Tempo of Success: Why Time is Every Musician's Secret Weapon

career building career musician career tips complain gig life gratitude management musician life strategy sustainable music career Jan 13, 2025

TIME — A Musician's Most Valuable Resource


Hello! I'm Nomad, creator/host of Career Musician Podcast.

Today's episode/blog is all about one of the most crucial yet slippery aspects of our lives - TIME 

Musicians from all walks of life often say they’re too busy and find it hard to focus on their passion of creating music which serves the purpose of fulfilling their Artistic desires. We often hear:

  • "I'm too busy with work to focus on my passion."

  • "I don't have time to learn new skills like ___________."

  • "There just aren't enough hours in the day."

In this episode, I'll share insights on how every minute can compound into the career and life you dream of. Time management is crucial. Remember, you have as many hours in a day as the greats like Beyoncé, Jimi Hendrix, and Quincy Jones.

"We all have two lives. The second begins when we realize we only have one." - Confucius

Make the Days Count

We often think, “I’ll get to it later,” but every year that passes, we realize how time flies. Time is ever elusive. Every second, millisecond as we sit here, live and breathe and exist. Time is going by.

Consistency and the Compound Effect

To see real results, we need a Plan of Attack (POA) in which we consistently maintain and execute the tasks that get us closer to the desired end goal. Consistency triumphs over motivation every time because motivation only comes in spurts. This is where having the discipline to consistently do "All The Things", leads to compounded results.

For instance, if you commit to practicing an instrument every day for even as little as 30 minutes, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve over time. Small, consistent steps such as practicing daily can turn into substantial achievements, thanks to the compound effect. Remember, consistency compounds into mastery!

A Personal Story

I too, let time get the better of me as a songwriter, singer, artist, and performer. Often, I was so engaged in making a living as a career musician that I postponed my artistry. Every month and year that I pushed my passion aside, time continued to slip by unnoticed. Here's a reflective thought:

"It took me 16 years from inception to completion of a project. Time is elusive and goes by whether we do or we don’t."

Know Your Why

Understanding your why or your ethos is fundamental. We as musicians don't save lives, but we enhance them through the universal language of music. Your purpose and message as an artist play a key role in this.

Reflect on the following:

  1. Why are you a musician?

  2. What do you stand for?

  3. What's your code of conduct?

Call to Action

To all the musicians out there, make time for your craft and passion. Be disciplined and consistent. Define your ethos and use music to convey your message and touch lives.

Follow us every Monday for a new episode. Subscribe and join the conversation on our social platforms. Let’s help each other get gigs, keep gigs, and go beyond gigs.

For more tips and guidance, make sure to tune into our Career Musician Podcast. You can also find additional resources and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Let's make the most of our time together. Dreams don't work unless you do. So, let's get to work!

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Remember, time is your most valuable resource. Use it wisely!

Rock n Roll, RnB, and everything in-between, 


[Nomad and the Career Musician team]



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